Friday, October 18, 2019

Topic for week 6

Communication technology is absolutely how we communicate by using of technology. There are several types on how we engage to share and exchange information and ideas. Whereas this week the content of my blog is about Communication Technology.

Our student teacher Sir Rainier thought us about Communication technology in tack of this topic are: Communication Model

4 distinct types to used communication
• Human to human communication

• Human to machine communication

• Machine to human communication

• Machine to machine communication
Graphics Communication
Where it is use equipment and systems to send and receive information using graphics and wave system to communicate.
Wave Communication
It is depend on an energy source called electronic radiation.
Electronic Communication
Where the information is coded at the source. It is then transmitted (sent) to the receiver.
Additionally he also tackle about the internet or also known as the mother of the networks. Sir Rainier explain that the new type of communication uses a network of computer to share information. The Communication System or the Internet have different variation to catch information. Like E-Mail or Electronic Mail where the text can be sent through waves. The other one is Voice-Mail where through the voice record can sent to the receiver. And also the Group Ware it is programs that help people work together even they are far from each other. The Global Positioning System or GPS it consist of receivers connected to satellite system.

He also discussed that by communicating there some technologies that every one have and because of this it is the easiest way to get information like radio, televisions, fax machines and cellphones. And the last he discussed about the AIDA Model. A is for the Attention. I for Internet. D is for Desire. And A is for Action. It is a model used in advertising that describes the steps a client goes via in the technique of purchasing a product. 
After the discussion we have an activity on what our topic is all about. In the activity the one who have a load need to send the correct answer via private message. It is so fun because our group got 2 place to win. And group that did not won do the punishment so that they sing the TUP hymn. And all of us are laughing and enjoyed the activity.

On what we do, I realize that there's a lot of ways to communicate to others. Like in Communication Technology I learned that it is a technical equipment that may used in communication. I also learned that communication is originated from the Latin word “Communis” means common.
And in Communication Model a usually miniature representation on how we communicate by using different technology. Like in Graphics Communication we can communicate using drawings, picture, graphs, photographs or words on a flat surface. In Wave Communication where the massage can traveled fast as like a speed of light. And the Electronic Communication I learned that people can use lights, sounds, or electrical waves to send information.

In the second topic I learned that Internet is an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world that people can catch information by using of internet. In Communication System I gathered some examples like:
In email we can use
Where we can send attachments like documents, graphics and videos.
In Voice mail it is essential to the business. Because to talk you can clearly tell what you wanted.
In Groupware we can use
The last is GPS we can used it in cars or cellphones to track. Like in cars we can used it to find the location of place where we want to go. In cellphone we an used it to track our phone if we missed place it or stalled by someone.
Furthermore in AIDA Model I learned that the letter A in AIDA Model which means attention we should catch readers eye by using pictures. And latest tools and technologies can helps us. The letter I or interest we should able push someone to know more on what we want to inform by used of animations. Then the D or desire we should provide accurate information and complete description like;
And the last is A or action we should encourage someone to buy or product or service for example
These topic is very interesting for me because it expand my knowledge and it pursue me more to understand the importance of the new growing generation that the technology is like a heart it is the main and it is the source of everything and if its not functioning we cant improve our lives. But we need to know that it also have a negative impacts if we use it in a bad way and if we use it too much it can affect us. We should remember that it is like a yin yang.

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