Sunday, November 17, 2019


Test or exam is very important to test our knowledge and if we have learned about the topic that discussed to us.

November 6, 2019 we take our unit test 2 to Purposive Communication. The test part 1-3 is consisting of essay that we need to answer. And the part 4 is doing an outline. For me it is hard to do an essay than in doing outlining. But I do my best to answered it all and finish the test even its challenging.

I realize that I should practice and learned more how to write an essay and outlining and also to the other lessons so that I can easily answered and finish the task that given to us.

Monday, October 28, 2019


For today’s topic is about Communication for work Purposes or Cooperative Environment. Sir Rainier as a question “Why communication is important to work?” For me it is important to communicate to your workmates because you can give, share and get information to them. By communicating to others you can be comfortable to your workmates and to your work. Hence, he discussed about:

The history of communication in the work place. Where I learned that in communication it evolves and we can use the letters and writings and by the digital communication we can also use telephone to communicate in our work.

The Negative side to Non-Digital Communication Types. Where not only face to face interaction is a reasonable method to communicate in the long distances. Because some discussion about to your work that is not totally important it can be a waste of time. We can use mails, paper notes and methods that can’t be waste of time.

The need for policies. There’s an etiquette to use telephone when it is invented to communicate. For example do not speak loudly because you can interrupt someone besides you and they might hear your conversation if it is important. You can go to the place that no one hears you or in private place. Also the computer we use this because it is one of the primary source in the business for communication by sending emails or information by the use of Facebook or twitter.

Computer is the greatest tool invented but it is also a biggest time killers. This is why a policies to need in place because by the use of  and twitter there are some tendency that it is scam or imitating the company.

The advantages. When you are a seller or your company needs to be recognize we can used the social media by promoting and because of this information is easily shared.
The dis-advantage. Records can be corrupted, lost and compromised with out proper protection such as firewalls. And communication can be halted due to some technical problems like outage, server error, virus and etc. Also the business may get lost in the clutter of internet.

The long distance communication. In this new generation global communication is important for today's economic environment. And policy makers should be cognizant. The advantage of long distance communication. The time management can be almost instant because time is money. For me, my example is the Shoppe and Lazada. We can order to them and they deliver it even it is far from us.

The communication policies and procedures for the digital age. The policies that we obey it helps to manage the flow to communicate and also the effective to control the misuse and issues. Additionally policies give records to the employee to knew about the rules and regulations.

The positive communications. The company can be popular to the people and it also increase their reputation. But company must be careful to communicate by the use of written or using of social media and the customers base.

The negative communication. It might be not satisfied to the customers or they disappointed to your work or business. It can ruin or stain your relation to the customers. The policies should reflect and include the mission statement for the core values.

The ECPA. It passed in 1986 and it is a called as Electronic Communication Privacy Act. They
are the ones who seen to create a fair balance between the privacy expectations of citizens and legitimate needs of law enforcement. Furthermore ECPA lays out rules or guidelines for the law enforcement access to data.The Wiretap Act, codified by 18 U.S. Code § 2511, is a federal law aimed at protecting privacy in communications with other persons. Typically, when you think of a "wiretap," the first thing that comes to mind is someone listening to your telephone calls.

In this topic I gain information and knowledge.  In workplace there are policies and procedures that must be taken when we write
policies and procedure like:
1. Local, state and federal laws and guidelines.
2. Company values and goals.
3. Mission and Vision.
4. Established  guidelines and human resources.

And in Digital communication there are 5 proper procedure.
1. Cutting cost. There are complete pc applications exchange man hours and jobs.

2. Making communication is now easy via the usage of emails, messenger packages and Skype.

3. In domestic we can work and it is possible and it can be efficient.

4. We can not waste travel fees because we can now use video meetings online it is feasible with the help of skype.

5. It can be broadly capable when we are being online.
            To wrap up all I've learned. Company’s need to shield theme-selves from Civil and Legals consequence of an action that ought to happen that motive abuse electronic communications. Strong insurance policies and huge education are the exceptional methods to make certain that a organizations fine hobby are upheld.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Topic for week 6

Communication technology is absolutely how we communicate by using of technology. There are several types on how we engage to share and exchange information and ideas. Whereas this week the content of my blog is about Communication Technology.

Our student teacher Sir Rainier thought us about Communication technology in tack of this topic are: Communication Model

4 distinct types to used communication
• Human to human communication

• Human to machine communication

• Machine to human communication

• Machine to machine communication
Graphics Communication
Where it is use equipment and systems to send and receive information using graphics and wave system to communicate.
Wave Communication
It is depend on an energy source called electronic radiation.
Electronic Communication
Where the information is coded at the source. It is then transmitted (sent) to the receiver.
Additionally he also tackle about the internet or also known as the mother of the networks. Sir Rainier explain that the new type of communication uses a network of computer to share information. The Communication System or the Internet have different variation to catch information. Like E-Mail or Electronic Mail where the text can be sent through waves. The other one is Voice-Mail where through the voice record can sent to the receiver. And also the Group Ware it is programs that help people work together even they are far from each other. The Global Positioning System or GPS it consist of receivers connected to satellite system.

He also discussed that by communicating there some technologies that every one have and because of this it is the easiest way to get information like radio, televisions, fax machines and cellphones. And the last he discussed about the AIDA Model. A is for the Attention. I for Internet. D is for Desire. And A is for Action. It is a model used in advertising that describes the steps a client goes via in the technique of purchasing a product. 
After the discussion we have an activity on what our topic is all about. In the activity the one who have a load need to send the correct answer via private message. It is so fun because our group got 2 place to win. And group that did not won do the punishment so that they sing the TUP hymn. And all of us are laughing and enjoyed the activity.

On what we do, I realize that there's a lot of ways to communicate to others. Like in Communication Technology I learned that it is a technical equipment that may used in communication. I also learned that communication is originated from the Latin word “Communis” means common.
And in Communication Model a usually miniature representation on how we communicate by using different technology. Like in Graphics Communication we can communicate using drawings, picture, graphs, photographs or words on a flat surface. In Wave Communication where the massage can traveled fast as like a speed of light. And the Electronic Communication I learned that people can use lights, sounds, or electrical waves to send information.

In the second topic I learned that Internet is an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world that people can catch information by using of internet. In Communication System I gathered some examples like:
In email we can use
Where we can send attachments like documents, graphics and videos.
In Voice mail it is essential to the business. Because to talk you can clearly tell what you wanted.
In Groupware we can use
The last is GPS we can used it in cars or cellphones to track. Like in cars we can used it to find the location of place where we want to go. In cellphone we an used it to track our phone if we missed place it or stalled by someone.
Furthermore in AIDA Model I learned that the letter A in AIDA Model which means attention we should catch readers eye by using pictures. And latest tools and technologies can helps us. The letter I or interest we should able push someone to know more on what we want to inform by used of animations. Then the D or desire we should provide accurate information and complete description like;
And the last is A or action we should encourage someone to buy or product or service for example
These topic is very interesting for me because it expand my knowledge and it pursue me more to understand the importance of the new growing generation that the technology is like a heart it is the main and it is the source of everything and if its not functioning we cant improve our lives. But we need to know that it also have a negative impacts if we use it in a bad way and if we use it too much it can affect us. We should remember that it is like a yin yang.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Purposive Communication

For to days topic is all about 8 tips for an awesome powerpoint. And the other one is the communication aids and strategies using of technology that Sir Rainer discussed. The purpose of this is to enlighten what I have learned and wrap up on our topic.

The first discussion is all about the 8 tips for an awesome powerpoint. For number 1 is Go for creativity. You should create your own design and try the different combinations of colors, text animations, make video and etc. The second one is make the power point background nice and colorful. As you can make or add an image as a background it is good. The third is use good font. Forth is Do not use as manuscript the powerpoint. If you make a bullet type you should put it on next slide. The fifth one is Image say more than a thousand word. image tend to catch people attention and make the message more powerful. Sixth is big is beautiful. You should think Big, Bold, and Bam. So that the people in the back see clearly what is in the powerpoint. The seventh one is use simple infographics like line graph, bar graph etc. But do not use pie graph because its common and boring. The last is get inspired. You should impress or inspired the people you showing the presentation. We discuss also about the 9ps, the 10-20-30 , the 1-6-6, and the 7-7.

And the last topic is all about communication aids and strategies using tool of technology. The presentation media is using slides, video or digital presentation including the sounds. And the understand the using of visual design like handouts, flip-chart, white board or chalk board, overhead transparencies and models and also document camera like projector and video clips. The use of digital technology like digital slides. Furthermore theres a lot of software that may use in powerpoint like Powtoon, Prezzi, Zoho, Google Slide, Go animate and many more. Instances Realtime web access like is where we discover some articles, researching ideas and the current situations. in tips in using presintation media you should consider your room and audience, practice with your media and speak to your audience not to your media. And the characteristics of multimedia presentation. The last is the step in making effective multimedia presenations, it has 8 pointers to understand and to know.

While Im listening I also taking down the important details about the topic discussed to us. Whereas I learned how to make a presentation do well. Like in making powerpoint I should make 10 maximum slides, 20 minutes and 30 point font. Additionally, the 1-6-6 I learned that 1 main idea, 6 bullet points and 6 words per bullet. Also I find out in doing powerpoint is 7-7 or the 7 lines and 7 words. And the 9 Ps are prior proper presentation prevents poor performance of the person putting on the presentation. So that the person in the back may not get bored, sleepy and lazy when. Additionally in the topic of communication aids and strategies using tool of technology, for me in this new generation or what we called digital age, it helps us to make things easier and gain more informations by different types of technologies. And theres a lot of digital technologies that help us to fit our needs. Such as computers, cellphones, television and many more. Since we tackle about this topic I realised that I am lucky because I born in this 21st century generation where all of thing generally develop by technologies. Unlike before, it is hard to get informations for example in school, they go to library but now we can get informations by using our cellphones and internet.

Because of this topic I learned that making and doing good and nice can embolden somebody and thats all we have to do. And also in every generations of technology we have a new way to solve the same old problems.